Happy New Year!
Traci, Lifestyle, Hospitality, Travel, Art, Books, Gardening Traci Canterbury Traci, Lifestyle, Hospitality, Travel, Art, Books, Gardening Traci Canterbury

Happy New Year!

With the close of 2020 and the hope associated with the new year, create your own revolutionary vision board. Start simple with a posterboard and markers. Define ONE action item for each key area of your life. Display your board in a location you will see it daily. And remember, regardless of your New Year’s resolution process, make it realistic, memorable, achievable, and comprehensive—encompassing all areas of your life—not just a weight goal.

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2021 Physical Goals
Traci, Lifestyle, Hospitality, Travel, Art, Books, Gardening Traci Canterbury Traci, Lifestyle, Hospitality, Travel, Art, Books, Gardening Traci Canterbury

2021 Physical Goals

Apply Newton’s First Law of Motion—a body at rest tends to stay at rest, and a body in motion tends to stay in motion—to your New Year’s Resolution Vision Board to remind you to get moving so that you stay active. Also, add a personal challenge to the equation, then find something you enjoy and get moving.

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2021 Spiritual Goals
Traci, Lifestyle, Hospitality, Travel, Art, Books, Gardening Traci Canterbury Traci, Lifestyle, Hospitality, Travel, Art, Books, Gardening Traci Canterbury

2021 Spiritual Goals

As I work on my 2021 Vision Board, I am reminded of findingJOY through the suffering in this challenging year that is finally coming to an end. So, I’ve chosen JOY as my word and Romans 15:13 as a new mantra to remind me that I will be filled with JOY in all circumstances. Add a spiritual goal to your New Year’s Resolution. It will bring you comfort and peace.

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The Imperfect Tree
Traci, Lifestyle, Hospitality Traci Canterbury Traci, Lifestyle, Hospitality Traci Canterbury

The Imperfect Tree

Inspiring words from Patricia Cameron, guest blogger and mother extraordinaire, about the beauty found in the ugly this Christmas… ”It’s probably the ugliest tree we’ve ever had. We had a short window to get it and hurriedly picked it out in the rain. I’ve tried to disguise its crooked form with lights and ribbons. But when I look at it, I see the lean to the left, the gaping holes and bare places where the base of the tree can be seen through its limbs…”

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Family Recipe Secret
Traci, Lifestyle, Hospitality Traci Canterbury Traci, Lifestyle, Hospitality Traci Canterbury

Family Recipe Secret

The pressure is on this non-cook to fill my mother’s big-cook-shoes. I’m cooking my very FIRST Thanksgiving meal. The secret to my family’s tradtional Thanksgiving Feast is the dressing. And the secrets to great dressing are chicken and rice soup, black pepper, parmesan cheese, refrigerating overnight, and lots of chicken broth. I’m sharing the James family secret dressing recipe—vist www.TraciCanterbury.Com

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Finding Joy. Life
Traci, Art, Books, Hospitality, Lifestyle, Travel, Gardening Traci Canterbury Traci, Art, Books, Hospitality, Lifestyle, Travel, Gardening Traci Canterbury

Finding Joy. Life

So, who is Traci Canterbury?

As I navigate this new lifestyle, I’ve vowed to find and appreciate simple joy in everyday life in and through the things I love: art, literature, gardening, hospitality, healthy active lifestyle and travel. I have so much to say and want to get it out of my head …starting a social media feed seems a natural outlet.

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