It isn’t too late to create that New Year’s Resolutions Vision Board.  As a creative expressionist, it’s important to me to visualize my goals and use them to form an annual Vision Statement.  This is how I do it.

I select goals in six key areas of my life: spiritual, family, community, physical, personal, and financial (See details for goal setting in other blogs).

·         Spiritual:  I select a word and mantra that will give me encouragement.  In 2020 that word was CHANGE and it was appropriate for me to use Romans 12:2 as a daily reminder to renew my mind.  For 2021 my word is JOY and my mantra is Romans 15:13. I added clippings to my board that bring me JOY.

·         Family:  I chose both the quote, “Attitudes are contagious”, Proverbs 16:24 that emphasizes kind uplifting words in dealing with others and imagines that reminded me of family.

·         Community:  For me community is synonymous with Friendship as my friends are important in my life. I love the chose Don’t think less of self—think of self less, as the theme to prompt me to commit to things I can do to support my friends and I used snippets of imagines of gifts and time to remember birthdays, being a good listener, and being inclusive.

·         Physical:  I love applying Newton’s First Law of Motion to my vision board to remind me to get moving so that I stay active.  I use photos of healthy foods and active hobbies to inspire me.

·         Personal:  I focus my personal goals around findingJOY in the form of hobbies like gardening, reading, and the occasional home project with imagines that reinforce my goals.

·         Financial:  The New Year’s Resolution is not complete without addressing financial goals.  I focus on the action items (things I can plan, act and control) and not particularly financial outcomes. 

I hang my Vision Board in a place where I see it every day—my closet door—as a daily reminder of what I want to achieve in the coming year.  It’s a fun reminder of what is truly important.

The point of my Vision Board is to define a Vision Statement that I post around my home (near the coffee station, on the bathroom mirror, above the washing machine).  My 2020 Vision Statement was:  To use my driven, stubborn, tenacious soul to practice self-control, and create a calm, peaceful, prosperous life of joy. That’s not your typical New Year’s resolution! 

With the close of 2020 and the hope associated with the new year, I encourage you to create your own revolutionary vision board.  Start simple with a posterboard and markers.  Define ONE action item for each key area of your life.  Display your board in a location you will see it daily.  And remember, regardless of your New Year’s resolution process, make it realistic, memorable, achievable, and comprehensive—encompassing all areas of your life—not just a weight goal.

Happy New Year!

Lagniappe. Check out other blogs for ideas in goal setting.

Visit TraciCanterbury.Com for more findingJOY inspiration.

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Old Post Office Museum


2021 Financial Goals