This is where the stereotypical New Year’s resolution comes in, and I’m terrible at committing and achieving my New Year’s physical goals (just gotta be honest).  I hate exercise.  I’m lazy.  Therefore, I must be creative when it comes to setting physical goals.  There is always the annual goal to lose weight and once you’re 50+ it becomes really hard. 

Even though I’m reasonable with my goal of shedding one to two pounds per month, something I believe is achievable, I find the dedication of eating right and daily exercise challenging. But I love applying Newton’s First Law of Motion to my vision board to remind me to get moving so that I stay active.  Once I start, I follow-through.  When I take that first step, I’ll continue.  Also, I add a personal challenge to the equation.  I remind myself that my mother-in-law is nearing her 90’s and she walks three miles per day, even after breaking her patella and spending months in a cast and physical therapy.  If she can do it, then so can I!

You won’t find me in the gym or running a marathon. But you may see me on a bicycle, pushing around a wheelbarrow of dirt, or playing a tennis match with a friend. Find something you enjoy and get moving.

Regardless of your New Year’s resolution process, make it realistic, memorable, achievable, and comprehensive—encompassing all areas of your life—not just a weight goal.

Lagniappe. Get a Rebounder (mini-trampoline). It works!

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2021 Financial Goals


2021 Personal Goals