The Imperfect Tree

Written by guest-blogger Patricia Cameron

Our Christmas tree is definitely not perfect. Matter of fact, it’s probably the ugliest tree we’ve ever had. We had a short window to get it and hurriedly picked it out in the rain. I’ve tried to disguise its crooked form with lights and ribbons. But when I look at it, I see the lean to the left, the gaping holes and bare places where the base of the tree can be seen through its limbs. I have turned the tree from side to side a hundred times trying to get the best angle, re-adjusted the star, the lights and ribbons to make it beautiful.

But as I look at its limbs pointing upward, I see that its crooked form is praising God, its arms uplifted in praise to its creator. It reminds me of a conversation I had with my four-year old son a few years ago. While driving home one night, my boys and I began talking about praising God and specifically, when we don’t praise God. I told them that the Bible says if we are silent, even the rocks and trees will praise Him.

My son then proceeded to tell me emphatically “I’m not going to praise Him. I’m not going to praise Him.” I asked him why and he said, “I want to see that! I want to see the trees praise Him!”

Thinking for a moment, I came up with this response. “Look at the trees, how their branches are all pointing up. See, they’re praising God. Their branches are lifted up toward Heaven.”

Our Christmas tree is a lot like me, and many others, living with our imperfections. We try to fill in the gaps with this purchase or that activity. But all God wants is for us to stand tall in who He is and praise Him. Instead, many times we cover up, trying to hide our flaws from the world. No matter our appearance, we can still stand tall and praise the one who created us. We are beautiful in His eyes.

Funny thing is – as I sit and look at our tree now, I think it’s pretty in its own way. It reminds me to praise the Lord for my imperfections, for this Christmas and the reminder of who Jesus is and what He has done for me.

God will be praised. If not from our lips, then from the rocks and trees.

“I tell you,” he replied, “if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out.” (Luke 19:40)

All you have made will praise you, Oh Lord; your saints will extol you. (Psalm 145:10)

Then the trees of the forest will sing, they will sing for joy before the Lord, for he comes to judge the earth. (1 Chronicles 16:33)

Let the rivers clap their hands, let the mountains sing together for joy. (Psalm 98:8)


 Lagniappe. Patricia Cameron is a life-long friend, mother of three teenage boys, successful business owner, and most importantly, a Christian mentor to all who know her. Thank you friend for such inspiring words!

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