Traci with Haynes #tracijcanterbury #dogs.jpg


Let me share a little about myself…

Creative Expressionist with a keeping it real attitude

‘findingJOY’ in Art * Books * Gardening * Hospitality * Lifestyle* Travel

Author. Artist. Blogger… wife, mother and friend

Lover of simple-beautiful living

THE INSPIRATIONALIST I grew up in the small town of Winnfield, Louisiana, the eldest of three children.  From an early age I was tenacious and curious with a love for creative writing and the arts.  I wanted to pursue a fine arts degree, but my father was adamant that 'arts were hobbies, not careers'. So, at his persuasion, I earned an accounting degree with concentrations in corporate finance and economics. I am at a stage in my life where I want simplicity, something I think is scarce in our society. As I navigate this new lifestyle, I’ve vowed to find and appreciate simple joy in everyday life in and through the things I love: art, literature, gardening, hospitality, healthy active lifestyle and travel.  I have so much to say and want to get it out of my head …starting a social media feed seems the natural outlet.

THE ARTIST For me creative expression is about feeling the colors and using them to speak a language that comes out in a form of art. Abstract expression allows for the viewer to see what they want to see in my creations. Most of my pieces are mixed mediums with a little ink, sometimes a texture and the occasional oil.  I strive to make each piece unique. My hope is that my expressionism stimulates one’s emotions and senses. I strive to make each piece unique and therefore, I experiment a lot! 

I wanted to pursue an art degree, but my parents felt that art was a hobby, not a profession. Over the years I dabbled with painting and once my husband came home to find that I’d turned our dining room wall into a mural.  It wasn’t until a few years ago, when I was looking for a prominent piece and couldn’t find anything that I liked, that I decided to paint my own vision….and that stirred old emotions and desires. I soon had about 20 completed paintings to select from.  After a 30-year career in the corporate finance world and two decades of raising children, I now have the time to fulfill my dream of creative expressionism.

I was inspired at an early age when visiting a Claude Monet exhibit in New Orleans where I literally fell in love with art. The master Impressionists and post-impressionists, notably Monet, Matisse and van Gogh are my inspiration. I have two Monet and two van Gogh reproductions in my personal collection. I love the use of vibrant colors and the abstract nature of subjects by the impressionists. I tend to incorporate their use of bold colors and dramatic brushwork in my pieces.

THE AUTHOR In 2006 at the encouragement of my two eldest sons, I embarked upon my first novel:  Eleven Year Secret. It was a collaboration that developed in the car on the drive from school each afternoon.  I would ask what would happen in the adventure of Bain Breez and they would come up with brilliant stories about dragons and spaceships. I just desired to write a series that children could read that provided encouragement and acceptance without the violence they are exposed to in our world.  I found it a difficult task; creating something thrilling without adult-themes is hard to sell in this day, even to children.

The sequel manuscript was written shortly after the release of the first book, but I elected not to publish at that time.  After many years of family and friends asking, 'what happens to Bain?' and after reaching a point in my personal life that I am asking 'what's next for me?', I’ve decided it's time.  "Return for Truth is in the polishing stage and will be released soon.

What’s in the works? Well, I have another manuscript draft about a young female who joined the military to find herself on the American-Mexican border in the middle of a cartel war. Additionally, I have two other works—a tween fantasy series that addresses the challenges of preadolescence, and a compilation of testimonials for women—both in outline form.

FRIENDSHIP A state of mutual trust and support, and the act of forming a relationship, attachment, alliance, association, camaraderie, rapport, understanding, harmony, unity, tie, link or bond. Friendship doesn’t just happen, it requires action:  spending time together, understanding another’s thoughts and motivations, lending a helping hand when in need, being selfless for the sake of another.

I am Traci Canterbury, a writer, painter, recovering accountant, wife, mother, and friend. 

I’d love💕to hear from you.