Family Recipe Secret

Confession time!

I’m cooking my very FIRST Thanksgiving meal. This special holiday has always been celebrated with my aging parents and extended family, but with Covid-19 concerns, our traditional gathering has been canceled. Yet, the day goes on, right? The pressure is on this non-cook to fill my mother’s big-cook-shoes.

A few years ago, my mother gave me one of the best gifts I have ever received—her favorite family recipes written in her own hand. So today I prepped for tomorrow’s Thanksgiving Feast, starting with my great-grandmother’s “chicken & dressing”.  This cherished dish is served only twice a year, and a double batch disappears upon first helpings.  Our family recipe is different from all other dressings and stuffings I’ve tasted.  It’s deceivingly easy and so yum!  After preparing it today to marinate overnight, I decided to share our easy family recipe, along with my Thanksgiving menu, for other non-cooks this Thanksgiving.  Enjoy!

Grandma James’s Chicken and Dressing

Bake a large cast-iron skillet of Cornbread (we love Martha White, a southern favorite), cool and crumble.

Boil 4 chicken breast in seasoned water, then shred.

Mix 1 package of season-blend (chopped onion, green onion, bell-peppers, celery), 1 can Campbell’s cream of chicken soup, 2 cans Campbell’s chicken and rice soup, Tony’s Creole Seasoning to taste (salt, red pepper, garlic).

Mix cornbread, chicken, and soup mixture in a large baking dish. Top with fresh parmesan cheese and lots of black pepper.  Soak to the rim in chicken broth and refrigerate overnight. 

Bake at 375 degrees for 1 hour.


Wishing all an incredibly happy and blessed Thanksgiving.

Lagniappe. The secret to grandma’s fantastic Thanksgiving Feast is the dressing. And the secrets to great dressing are Campbell’s chicken and rice soup, black pepper, parmesan cheese, refrigerate overnight, and lots of chicken broth.

The James Family Traditional Thanksgiving Menu

Fried Turkey       Chicken and Dressing     Chicken Dumplings          Sweet Potato Casserole

Green Beans      Blueberry Cheesecake   Sweet Iced Tea

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