2020 has been a very, very challenging year for me.  In January, my financial career ended.  I spent the month of February in Houston with my father who had surgery for a rare form of cancer.  Covid isolation hit in March and I was caught without a stash of paper goods (remember that!).  I spent April and May as a stay-at-home mom/teacher to a teenager (this was the most challenging of all).  Our family vacation was cancelled. Our church lost our minister.  Regardless of how much we isolated and sanitized, my immediate family and my parents got COVID-19.  And we lost a few friends to the virus along the way. Yet through all of it, I found JOY!

I did it with the help of a Vision Board that was inspired by the Mary Square Create Your Journey Spiral Planner. I selected goals in six key areas of my life: spiritual, family, community, physical, personal, and financial, and spent a day creating a visual representation of the things that truly mattered in my life.  When I felt challenged, I reviewed my board for new inspiration.

Several years ago, a friend encouraged me to choose a word and Bible verse for the year.  She had done so during a period of crisis and found this to be both inspirational and rewarding.  In 2020 my chosen word was CHANGE and it was appropriate for me to use Romans 12:2 as a daily reminder to renew my mind.  In early 2020 I cut photos from magazines that reminded me of my spiritual goals and loaded my 2020 Vision Board.  I used images of the beach to represent peace, a large oak to represent deep roots, and a watch to remind me to ‘be still’. 

As I work on my 2021 Vision Board, I am reminded of findingJOY through the suffering in this challenging year that is finally coming to an end.  So, I’ve chosen JOY as my word and Romans 15:13 as a new mantra to remind me that I will be filled with JOY in all circumstances.

Add a spiritual goal to your New Year’s Resolution.  It will bring you comfort and peace.

Lagniappe. The image is of the Spiritual Goals on my Resolution Board.

Visit TraciCanterbury.Com for more findingJOY inspiration.

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2021 Community Goals


The 2021 Resolution