Make. Every. Day. Count

You may wonder about my obsession with the dragonfly—the brand for findingJOY—and I’d like to tell you about it.

A lovely dragonfly visited me on many occasions over several weeks in early summer.  It was exceptionally large, perhaps the largest I’ve ever seen, and this is why I believe it was just one visitor instead of many.  The dragonfly would rest on my hand, my feet, and once sat on my shoulder for many minutes allowing me to study its unique beauty.

This dragonfly connected and spoke to me; sounds silly in words, but it did nonetheless, and this piqued my curiosity.  Dragonflies were some of the first winged insects to evolve, some 300 million years ago.  In fact the flight of the dragonfly is so unusual that for decades engineers have aspired to make flying robots mimicking their dynamics.  Sadly, the lifespan of a dragonfly is less than one year; living less than 1% of the average human lifespan. Think about it:  this magnificent creature must Make. Every. Day. Count.  When I think about the minutes my little friend carved out of his busy day to spend with me, I am filled with JOY.

The dragonfly is symbolic for spiritual change and transformation, adaptability, self-realization and understanding the deeper meaning of life.  There is nothing more perfect than the dragonfly to represent my hopes for the inspiration and content of findingJOY.  Remember to…

  • Make. Every. Day. Count. in some meaningful way

  • At the end of each day reflect on one small thing that brought you joy

  • Go to TraciCanterbury.Com for more findingJOY

The photo is of my pet dragonfly. One morning he landed on the sheers in my sunroom and he never left.  His shell clung to the fabric for a few days before I took a photo, then pulled it loose and laid it to rest.

Thanks for being a friend.

Find me on Facebook at Finding-JOY-TraciCanterbury.Com and on Instagram @TraciCanterburyFindingJOY


Lemon. Aid.


Finding Joy. Life