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2021 Personal Goals

Ready. Set. Go.  Think “Personal Goals”. 

Personal goals are just that—personal.  They are things that YOU want to achieve for you.  It’s easy to confuse and comingle personal goals with physical, financial, and even spiritual, so if you are unsure of where to start, just Google “personal goals” and a plethora of ideas will be available to get you brainstorming.  The easiest way to define personal goals is to

·         list character attributes you wish to focus

·         identify ways to focus on YOU

·         define those projects you’ve been putting off

I tend to focus my personal goals around findingJOY in the form of hobbies like gardening, reading, and the occasional home project (more on my project vision boards in another blog).  For 2020 my personal motivational phrase was What counts is obedience today, meaning that I need to make every moment count.  I included photos of gardening, a small remodel project, and ways to relax on my board. And I added the inspirational verse of James 4:13-14 to remind me not to worry about tomorrow, but instead focus on “the now”.

As the New Year approaches, I encourage you to create your own revolutionary vision board that includes these six key areas of life: spiritual, family, community, physical, personal, and financial.

Lagniappe. The image is of the Personal Goals on my Resolution Board.

Visit TraciCanterbury.Com for more findingJOY inspiration.

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