Lemon. Aid.

Lemons are tart and require a particular sense of taste to enjoy eating one like one would eat an orange.  Yet, when balanced with the sweet flavor of sugar lemons become refreshing and pleasing to the taste buds.

I spent most of my life in a successful career, working 60+ hour weeks and liking every minute of it.  Well, almost every minute.  There would be times I yearned for harmony between work and family.  Times I wished I had freedom to develop friendships. Other times I’d hoped to someday follow my passions, or just find a hobby. And in the few quiet moments, regretted not being a better wife and mother.  I barreled through each day of the last 30+ years meeting objectives, checking lists, organizing meetings, always staying busy…and then it stopped. I felt that I’d been on a bullet train going 100 mph planning to arrive at my destination—Retirement—and then the train crashed. I was no longer moving forward and my unintended destination—Unemployment—arrived ten years shy of my plan.

What to do?

My great-grandmother had a favorite saying: When life gives you lemons, make lemonade and be grateful!  My lemons turned out to be pride, vanity, gluttony, laziness…all those deadly sins you’ve probably heard about. I’d worked hard my entire life but for the wrong reasons and in the wrong ways.  It took that crash to knock me to my knees, slow me down, take away the ‘busy’ and point me toward balance, peace, and ultimate joy. 

In findingJOY I started with four Lemon. Aids:

  • Selecting a mantra.  I chose the Bible verse Romans 12:2 as a daily reminder to renew my mind.

  • Purchasing a Mary Square Create Your Journey Spiral Planner.  This is a planner on steroids with everything from monthly action planning and daily tasks lists to a reflection section and inspiring quotes.

  • Utilizing a gift from a friend. The Prayer Partner by ThimblePress is a beautiful little journal for daily reflection and thankfulness.

  • Joining a virtual book club.  The first book read was Becoming the Woman God Wants Me to Be by Donna Partow, an easy 90-day guide to get one moving…from eating right to cleaning out closets.

I have not fully made my batch of lemonade, but I’m slowly adding the sugar and have my glass of ice ready.  As I slow down, hunt for simplicity, and bring my life into balance, I am findingJOY.

Start chopping those lemons, friend.

Lagniappe. The photo was taken during a trip to Palm Desert, California.  We pulled a huge lemon from a tree outside our hotel balcony and made fresh lemonade. YUM!

Find me on:

Instagram @TraciCanterburyFindingJOY

Pinterest at TraciCanterburyFindingJoy

Twitter @TJCanterbury


Joy is finding equilibrium


Make. Every. Day. Count