Your thoughts become your destiny
Traci, Lifestyle Traci Canterbury Traci, Lifestyle Traci Canterbury

Your thoughts become your destiny

Watch your thoughts, they become words.

Watch your words, they become actions.

Watch your actions, they become habits.

Watch your habits, they become character.

Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.

Lao Tzu

findingJOY is about loving who you are and that can be difficult with negative, unhealthy self-thoughts. Simply choose to love yourself. Stop and think about your thoughts, your inner monologue, the speech to yourself.

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Bedtime routine = happy marriage
Traci, Lifestyle Traci Canterbury Traci, Lifestyle Traci Canterbury

Bedtime routine = happy marriage

An exceedingly long time ago, a newly divorced acquaintance told me the secret to a healthy marriage is to adopt the same bedtime and morning routines as your spouse.  She had learned that lesson the hard way, divorce.  I’ve never forgotten that advice.  Yet I’ve not heeded it either. For here I sit hours after my husband is asleep typing away at my computer.  Now that I no longer have an 8 am check-in nor a child dependent upon my waking to get to school, I find my sleep patterns are crazy erratic.  I no longer have healthy bedtime “systems”, my husband’s word for “routines”.

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